
Thursday, December 27, 2012

Alert, bird flu has entered extraordinary case (KLB) in poultry

Alert, bird flu has entered extraordinary case

JAKARTA. The outbreak of the bird flu virus attacks the birds lately has been quite alarming. Health Minister Nafsiah Mboi said bird flu had entered this time the status of extraordinary events (KLB) in poultry in Indonesia. 
But he stressed that the status of outbreaks in poultry have not spread to humans. "For a human outbreak yet because the number of cases is still small," he told Cash, Ministry of Health office, Thursday (27/12).
Nafsiah said, has not been found in cases of human death for the bird flu virusclade new. However, we also can not be relieved because in some countries, the bird flu virus clade have caused new human deaths, such as in China and Hong Kong.
Today (27/12), he held a coordination meeting related cases of bird flu in conjunction with the Coordinating Minister for People's Welfare (Menkokesra), Minister of Health, Minister of Agriculture, Minister of Communications and Information Technology, and the Ministry of Communications in the office of Ministry of Health, Jakarta...